Defining "Reformational"
My answer to my question:
Reformational refers to the philosophical system of thought stemming from the Reformation (usually from within Reformed churches) and the teaching of Abraham Kuyper, and originally developed and expressed by Herman Dooyeweerd and D.H.Th. Vollenhoven. It is both Reformed and Neo-Calvinist, but to be Reformed and Neo-Calvinist does not necessarily mean to be Reformational (see the Venn diagrams here, here, and here.
Along with many other Reformed and Reformational entries, Wikipedia has an entry here. A very good expression of Reformational thinking was made by Roy Clouser at Dordt College in 2002: Is There a Christian View of Everything? Also helpful is Al Wolters's What is to be done . . . toward a neocalvinist agenda.
I see the terms Reformed and Reformational used interchangeably at times by Reformed-minded people who don't necessarily know or understand the philosophical movement referenced above. Also, when I taught at Dordt College, there was some debate about Reformed vs Reformational. Clearly Reformational thinking has deeply influenced Dordt College--its guiding documents reflect it and it's probably not easy to find another institution with a greater concentration of faculty with Reformational leanings. But some saw Dordt as Reformed and only inclusively Reformational.
As you can see, I also capitalize all these terms--nouns, adjectives, and adverbs alike. I follow the principle that if the term stems from a proper noun (which is capitalized) then all derivatives are capitalized. This is less common among continentals and this reluctance to capitalize apparently catches on among Reformational types themselves. In this regard, consider me a dissenter in the ranks.